Energetic Boundaries: How Aura Protection Transformed My Manifestor Crash

A few weeks ago, I went through a significant spiritual up-leveling. Directly after that experience, I attended a festival. Yes, I also question the wisdom of this decision. I knew the interaction with so many other people would have its difficulties, but I felt I could handle it. What I didn’t anticipate was just how many people would be drawn to my newly heightened frequency. I could feel their interest, their pull toward me, and while that might sound flattering to some, for me, as a Manifestor, it was overwhelming. Thankfully, my aura did a great job of shielding me from this influx of energy. It’s one of the beautiful things about being a Manifestor—our aura naturally protects us, allowing us to navigate spaces without feeling overly exposed.

However, the next morning, I woke up feeling completely drained. It was as if my entire system had been overloaded, and I immediately recognized this as the classic Manifestor crash. For those unfamiliar, Manifestors go through this cycle where, after a burst of creative energy (or spiritual up-leveling), we hit a wall—our bodies need time to recover. I’ve experienced this pattern many times before, and I knew that what I needed was to retreat from the world and focus on self-care. That morning, I felt an intense need to protect my energy, like I was under some kind of spiritual attack, though I knew it was simply the crash.

When a Manifestor crashes, it’s often because we’ve pushed through a powerful creative urge. These urges drive us, but they also leave us feeling depleted afterward. The bigger the creative push, the more intense the crash, and this one was definitely intense. So, I started my usual recovery routine—salt baths to cleanse my energy, lots of rest, and staying in my own bubble. I kept to myself, avoiding interactions, and spent a lot of time sleeping. This process of retreat and rest is essential for Manifestors during a crash.

After a couple of days, as I began to come out of that extremely low-energy state, I noticed something unusual: my aura felt raw, tender even. It wasn’t the typical exhaustion I was used to—it was an uncomfortable, almost painful sensation in my energy field. I knew I needed more time to heal before I could be around people again, so I stayed inside, avoiding further interaction until I figured out how to resolve this new sensation.

That’s when I decided to turn to meditation. I wanted to reset, to find some way to smooth out my energy and return to a place of balance. As I was meditating, I ended up astral projecting, and for the first time, I turned around and saw my aura from an external perspective. I had never actually thought much about what my aura looked like before but seeing it from the outside was eye-opening. It was like looking at an energetic web around my body, except it was full of cords—hundreds of them. These cords were attached to my aura, trying to make their way into my body.

This was a huge revelation. I realized that while I’ve done cord cuttings in the past, I’d always focused on the cords directly connected to my body. But what I hadn’t considered was that, as a Manifestor, our protective aura has its own layer that also accumulates these cords. Unlike generators, whose auras are open and enveloping, Manifestors have this protective shield, and that shield can collect energetic debris too.

In that meditation, I began cutting the cords from my aura’s outer layer, just as I would for my body. I repeated the process several times, checking back in to make sure no new cords had attached themselves. It became clear to me that this outer layer of protection also needs regular maintenance, especially during the creative cycles that draw people in.

After consulting with my spirit guides, we came up with a solution. One of my guides, an angel, now works with me, cutting the cords on a regular basis, almost hourly, so that I don’t have to carry that burden myself. We also reinforced my aura’s protective layer, making it stronger and more resilient. This practice has been life changing.

What normally would have been a two-week crash for me only lasted a few days. I usually have long, intense crashes because I only have one defined motor, the solar plexus, which is constantly processing emotions. This time, however, after fortifying my aura and cutting the cords from its outer layer, my recovery was much quicker and smoother.

This experience taught me how important it is for Manifestors to protect not just our bodies but also our aura’s outer shell. Especially when we’re about to bring creative energy into the world, we need to ensure that we’re not absorbing energy or attachments from those who are drawn to us. This extra layer of protection has made all the difference in how I handle crashes, and I’m now navigating my rest cycle with far more ease and comfort.

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